1) People at $2/$4 and above will bet when you check to them way too often. Alot of the hands they will bet with if you check, they wouldve folded if you fired again on the turn. For example, when they float the flop ina raised pot with nothing. So when you check raise the turn, you get more money out of them. I guess this is why some high stakes players check raise the turn with a draw....but i dont like that line unless the villain is either very weak tight or is generally solid and knows how to fold.
2) More importantly....people really HATE to get check raised and doing something to people that they hate is almost always a good idea in poker. When you piss people off in poker, they make mistakes like this fool who reraised all in to $600 wth A9Statistics: Posted by iceman5 — Fri Oct 06, 2006 7:15 pm