I think I'll soon lay down in a chest and simply die if you guys can't help me here.
The positional stats are better now I guess. I think I got too loose and perhaps too aggressiv, have to weak-tighten up again?
Its 10$ NL 6 max
The amount won is a negativ value!
As a little add on: I made -8.45 dollars with my last 22 times I had KK preflop and -15.55 dollars with my last 56 times I had QQ preflop
I must change my style there, I often got outflopped by sets. Raise to 2 dollars preflop perhaps i dont know.
Perhaps stop mutlitabling? I played on 6 low speed tables lately, perhaps this is a big problem?Statistics: Posted by Jossnaz — Wed Jan 03, 2007 12:01 pm