As to raising, a few additional options:
1) Raise only standard raising hands but make it around $50, or up to $60 with a few limpers. I'm really not sure how this would have played out at this table. The thing I don't like, though, is, if you get your basic 2 callers, then you're committed to a CB of at least $100 (or maybe like $110 in a flop pot of $150, that feels about right). That seems like quite a bit of commitment with AK unimproved, but it also requires them to commit a lot of chips with possible junk, so maybe it's worth it.
2) A trickier alternative (and maybe I'm coming too much from PLO here, but at the moment, I find this rather appealing): Make raises much more positional, along the following lines:
EP: Raise nothing at all, but limp-push AA (and maybe KK) if you have a sweet pot going. Or I guess for the limp-re-raise, $300 works fine with a stack of $500.
MP: Usually raise standard raising hands and sometimes raise SCs and middle pairs to around $25. One can expect I'd say an average of 5 callers here at this table.
LP: Raise all classic raising hands as well as all SCs and middle pairs to about $35 or maybe $30.
On all of the raises, I think with the usual 5 callers, you might as well forget about CBing unless you like the flop. The idea on the little hands for raising is really just to throw them off and make them think you can't call with KK as overpair when in fact you just turned the nut straight or have an overfull on a board of 844 when they have A4, stuff like that.
Again, maybe my thinking is a bit warped from lots of PLO, where raising is just very different. But it seems to me like if you can get 5 callers on your 66 and only intend to put in additional money if you set, then you're so close to pot odds for setting that it should be profitable just to raise it up more as deceptive pot-builder. And, if you're checking behind all the time and they are constantly calling and betting TP with their JT, I think building the pot appropriately could just multiply your profit-rates on an already good hand, which admittedly doesn't hit the flop terribly often but is a monster when it does.Statistics: Posted by Aisthesis — Sat Jan 06, 2007 9:29 pm