66 is a possibilty (as is AK). Do you have any notes on how he plays small pairs or AK from EP (limps or open raise them - and would he re-pop pre-flop OOP with AK?)
He could have air/smaller pair but it's not a great flop to min CR a pre-flop raiser with a weak hand - an A or a K forms a big part of your range after all and a min raise would price a flush draw in if you have one. It would seem out of character for a solid TAG to make a move on you here unless you have him tilted for some reason.
I would figure his range for flush draw (maybe with a piece of the flop say or ), another AK or 66. He possibily could be playing AQ/AJ etc and raising for info to see if you really do have an ace.
I think that a set forms a small enough part of his range that you have to be happy to get it all in, but also suspect that the hands you have destroyed are going to fold for sure to a re-raise whereas the others won't mind one. If he is looking for info why give him it?
As you have position, I'd flat call and look to get a pot-comitting chunk in on any non diamond turn (checking behind a diamond turn of course if he gives us the chance). If he has 66 so be it - just hope that turn/river ace or king falls Statistics: Posted by excession — Sun Nov 18, 2007 5:27 am