1) Hand 1 actually happened later so I feel that I'm ahead here most of the time. So why push? It made no sense and was FPS. He did fold though (probably some small PP).
2) He had AK and I missed my flush. I had two reads here: 1) Most don't limp AK (so I should push) or 2) a CS is now leadnig full pot into me which is scary (so I should fold).
I'm not unhappy with it though.
3) My thought was bet the flop because I'm ahead of his hand range. He calls with any diamond, any piece of the flop, and often times some overs without a diamond.
Anyway, I guess I got unlucky as he flopped the flush with A[d] 6[d].Statistics: Posted by T-Rod — Mon Mar 17, 2008 12:57 pm