On the flop, your hand is a slight dog to most of the hands your opponent holds here. He raised it preflop, and now he's betting out again despite the fact that you reraised him. His most likely holdings are AA-TT. Even if he has AK or AQ, he's still a favorite.
Moving in might be a good play if you had any folding equity. But your opponent's bet on the flop has made him pot committed -- the pot would be so large compared to what he has left that he'll have to call you. The fact that he raised, and then led out also indicates that he doesn't want to fold here. Since you've got a healthy stack compared to the blinds, you're probably a slight dog, and the pot odds aren't giving a good overlay, this is a fold.
Bottom line -- it's too early yet to make big moves with AJ. Certainly you can consider raising with it if no one else has, but if someone else is showing aggression, then throw it in the muck.Statistics: Posted by Nortonesque — Tue Feb 01, 2005 12:15 am