I might, however fold the second if I called the first and won (and therefore had like 2500 chips.)
The 88 hand is basically the most difficult standard decision for tourneys imo. I mean that it's something that happens relatively often and noone really has a perfect reasoning for it. Harrington's logic is retarded at best I think...
You could do basically anything here, and I think most plays have some merrit depending on the situation. If there's been a lot of restealing going on I'll pop it to 300-400 cause I'll be a good bit ahead against their ranges I think. If it's been really tight I'll probably pop it to 250 knowing that if there's a raise I'm either way behind or a coinflip and I'll have enough chips to fold. I think a case could be made for a limp here, but only at weak tables, basically hoping that one of the blinds puts it in. Then you can reraise any other limpers and get their dead money in. Folding works too. Anything really.Statistics: Posted by Dumb Snowman — Thu Jan 04, 2007 2:27 am