I thought I would introduce myself. I am Emma's dad. I found this site last week and the more I read, the more I realize that I have found the best poker forum on the net. I have been playing break even to slightly losing poker off and on for 15 years. I began playing on the internet about 1.5 years ago, donating a considerable amount to many of you at low limits at Party because you know I am (was) weak-tight.
Then I discovered Poker Tracker in November '05. Someone did me a huge favor (though you may think him a thoughtless asshole), tapped the glass, told me my post flop aggression was 1.1, and that I was as readable as an open book. Not any more.
I had read all of the Sklansky books, S/S and S/S2, and thought that I was playing generally according to the advice contained therein. Then, I tracked 5000 hands of primarily .5/1, 1/2, and 2/4 LHE with PT, and found I had VP$P 23.4, PFR 5.5, and PFA 1.37, with +1.8BB/100. Not exactly a ringing endorsement of my game, but I was winning (probably just dumb luck).
I have now reread S/S and S/S2 LHE sections and Sklansky/Miller Small Stakes Hold Em. I have logged another 15000 hands at PP at strictly 2/4 limit and have improved to VP$P 19.7, PFR 9.9, and PFA 2.2, although win rate has reduced to +0.97BB/100 (not sure why, but did seem to lose to an incredible number of 2 and 3 outers on the river over the last month). My B&M game has improved by leaps and bounds as well, which I believe was a direct result of analyzing my PT results in accordance with the advice contained in this forum.
Thank you, Mr. Glass Tapper, and thank you especially to the regular posters here. I hope to be able to turn into a consistent winning player over the next few months, and I hope to be able to contribute in a meaningful way to this forum. Maybe you guys will even convince me to learn how to play NLHE.
Any advice on what my next steps should be is welcome and appreciated.