I played the following hand at a $1/2 limit table. I was at the table for about 15 minutes and cannot say much about the players in the hand, except for that the SB seemed to be pretty fond of the raising button. Both flops seen % and pot size are large here.
I'm on the button with [Th]. Five limpers, so I limp in as well. SB completes, BB checks.
Flop comes [Td][Jh]. Good.
SB checks, MP bets, 1 call, I raise. Now SB reraises. Only MP calls. I cap, both call.
Turn is . Now the SB bets, MP raises. I call, but SB reraises and MP caps. I call, SB calls.
River is . SB bets, MP raises, I fold, SB reraises, MP calls.
SB has [Tc] for the boat and wins a big pot, MP has [Qh] and is not amused.
Of course I'm not complaining about not making my flush, but I wonder if I should have invested less money here.
Was capping the flop a mistake? I wanted to get the money in before the flush hit. I thought that the SB had top pair or top two pair, and that he wanted to drive the MP out or punish me for my draw/free card play.
In hindsight, MP calling the reraise made me think. Sure, I'm drawing to the best hand, but from his point of view it is likely that I have a flush draw. Would he draw to the straight when there is a flush draw out? Surely he is more justified in doing so if he holds two hearts, not because his flush draw adds much (not the nut draw) but because I have less outs. So, should I have discounted my outs? In hindsight I should have, but then, I have seen many draws to very non-nuts there...
Anyone in favor of folding the turn?