Craziest game I've ever seen... Avg pot size about $500ish prolly... It's a no cap game, so there were about 7 people at the table w/ 2k+ and me and Kenny were the only cheap bastards (I had like $600 and Kenny had 1100ish I think)...
UTG, who was basically the worst player EVER raises to $15... Here's an example of a hand he played earlier... I may fvck this up, but it's close enough to be accurate...
Kenny raises to $25 w/ KK... Dood calls... Flop 553 Kenny bets flop hard he calls... Turn 2, Kenny bets really hard, dood calls.. River 3, guy pooooooshes for like $200, pot was too big for Kenny to fold... So he vomits and the dood tables A3...
Anyways, so that guy raises to $15... Next guy, who wasn't AS bad, but was still awful reraises to $80... This guy was gunning for OR, and had said more than a few times that he wanted to raise to isolate against him... I'm POSITIVE he was doing this for just this reason... I repop to $180 from the SB w/
... OR thinks for a minute and eventually calls, as I was like 99% sure he would... RR comes along for the ride...
... Pots ~$600... Now what???
Also, there was some talk about how I shouldn't have reraised PF and just flatcalled...