Yeh, I'm in the xas/bbb/et al. camp on hand 1. Looks pretty spewy for the reasons mentioned - namely that it really doesn't feel like villain in intending on a bet/fold to me, and that your perceived value range is very narrow and so difficult to rep credibly.
Hand 2 is a little weird but I probably call. I think he can occasionally be playing a Q slow here, KT got there, he may consider the Ah a good rebluff card, conceivably he could show up with a worse flush. I don't really see how he gets to the river here with a big hand often at all and you have the 2nd nut flush, with probably zero Kxhh hearts in his range. So, maybe he shows you 44 here or something but with your read that he is capable of goofy shit on occasion I think there are enough bluffs and thin value bets in his range to make the call.