by DoctorHandles » Tue Apr 22, 2008 5:51 pm
I did not (and still don't) believe lower flush draws or bluffs are in his CRing range. Obviously it's not impossible he has one, but he has one with a very very low frequency. He's basically a nit who likes to steal who I have not been playing back at, hence the preflop 3-bet. He's not going to call me light here PF with 56dd.
I understand 80 hands are not much, but this type of regular is not uncommon at nL$100 stars. That further reinforces my belief he's probably just a typical one of these type of players.
Yeah I was betting tuns way too hard, then started betting them way lighter, now I'm trying to find the right size. Pot was probably $26ish after rake though so it was 2/3 size, which I've been using as a general rule and am probably applying too much.
The better player should win the race. Always.