by poker2006 » Fri May 12, 2006 1:45 pm
You probably have the short stack beat, either way he is short. The intial raiser could very well have AA/KK after he raised UTG. A read would help, to know if he would raise a smaller pp there, or AK/AQ. It's possible he is trapping, I think with AK/AQ he would reraise here to isolate and not see a flop out of position. My take would be to fold against a good/tight player, and reraise to $90 and commit yourself against a weak/loose player, then get in on the flop. You can just push, but a reraise giving him 2:1 is good enough.
Last edited by
poker2006 on Fri May 12, 2006 5:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
-- andyG
I try to learn something new every day. Winning comes by itself.