by Devbert » Fri Dec 08, 2006 2:15 pm
I always think laying down a flopped flush is a difficult thing to do, but sometimes the situation dictates it.
In this situation, it looks like the worst you could be up against are an A[c]/4-4/8-8/made flush.
I have been overflushed many times, and the way to get off of it is to identify the range of your opponents.
Regardless of what you have, the SB is repping a flopped flush or a set (maybe Q-8 if he's an uber-donk) and MP is repping at worst a semi-bluff A[c] (he could also have 4-4 or a flopped flush like 7[c]6[c].
Not saying you always gotta fold it, but I think this particular situation would dictate that you should fold a small flopped flush with no reads if you've got two people committing themselves all-in (you don't think the guy who raised to $40 is going away, do you?)
You've got $8 committed, do you want to be in a three-way all-in hoping you are up against 4-4 and the A[c]?
Last edited by
Devbert on Fri Dec 08, 2006 2:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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