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I reraised AA and got cold called

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Moderators: iceman5, LPF Police Department

Postby iceman5 » Thu Nov 09, 2006 8:08 pm

Most people will bet AK there if I check to them.

Cutoff raised which doesnt mean much at UB. I reraised him which can be a big pair or a marginal hand like a suited connector since I know he doesnt have to have much to raise there. But then I get cold called. I would be scared to death of the cold call if I didnt have AA so i would not be auto CBing like a normal hand. Im not betting that flop without a made hand.

The BB had to have a big hand so hes going to bet when I check. I think he bets AK every time there. I know I would, although I may not even call the reraise with AK especially not closing the action.

I was surprised he only had AQs.
iceman5 [As]
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