by WayToGo » Sat Mar 24, 2007 1:55 pm
BTP seems to grow more and more and everytime i visit the forum now i see 20 new hands posted and at least 20 threads with new replies. As we all have a different grasp of the game and play different stakes. I think this forum might need a split? in Midstakes (400NL+ ??) and Small Stakes?
Some posters are perfectly capable of analyzing 100NL hands but as the stakes get higher they start guessing more and are not really contributing anymore.
Myself for an example. I don't make as many if any high quality posts as others do, though i'm perfectly capable of helping people on 100NL.
As the stakes get higher my posts turn into crap at times, i really should not reply with nonsense: my opinion on the hand and what i would do. Asking questions to improve my own play is perfecly legit ofcourse, but i think at times i'm just gluttering the discussion going on between people like droqqa, donkifornication etc.
(mods if you don't think this is appropiate, and i should have pmed you this idea first. Feel free to remove incase)
Taking shots, one at a time.