4-handed, I raise KK to $15 from UTG/CO. I cover the table. Button ($550 stack) reraises to $41. He is pretty loose and runs 38/24, and has been 3-betting a fair bit, however he is very passive postflop and therefore is bad. BB ($600 stack) has been very aggro preflop against me and we have tangled a bit (and he has mostly got the best of me so far). He 4-bet me once before at another table, 4-betting a $54 reraise to $160, I folded my KQ or whatever I had. He runs 22/18ish and seems good but doesn't like to fold as much as most regs. He repops to $114.
And I?
1. Call and see a flop, possibly 3-way. Get it in on any non A flop.
2. Fold, it looks like BB wants action.
3. Shove. I have KK.
4. 5-bet but don't shove ($250ish?), call a shove.
5. 5-bet, fold to a shove.
Obviously I want to play in such a way that I maximize against stuff like AK and QQ. Given table dynamics I would definately be 4-betting those hands in villians shoes.