When this hand took place, the chip leader had slightly over 10k in chips. I went out shortly after when my A23 (again!) lost to 256 I think it was.
When we capped it on 5th street:
pokenum -mc 500000 -r 2h ac 3s 9s 5d - 6c 3c 4h qh tc - 4d 5h 8c 8h 2d / ks jc th 8d jh
Razz (7-card Stud A-5 Low): 500000 sampled outcomes
cards win %win lose %lose tie %tie EV
9s 3s Ac 5d 2h 328317 65.66 170889 34.18 794 0.16 0.657
Tc 6c 3c Qh 4h 28721 5.74 471244 94.25 35 0.01 0.057
8c 4d 2d 8h 5h 142133 28.43 357038 71.41 829 0.17 0.285
By 6th street:
pokenum -r 2h ac 3s 9s 5d 7c - 6c 3c 4h qh tc 2s - 4d 5h 8c 8h 2d 7d / ks jc th 8d jh
Razz (7-card Stud A-5 Low): 21924 enumerated outcomes
cards win %win lose %lose tie %tie EV
9s 3s Ac 7c 5d 2h 18576 84.73 3348 15.27 0 0.00 0.847
2s Tc 6c 3c Qh 4h 3348 15.27 18576 84.73 0 0.00 0.153
8c 7d 4d 2d 8h 5h 0 0.00 21924 100.00 0 0.00 0.000