SO, I am a team leader for the 2008 American Lung association blowing the whistle on asthma and lung disease run(walk/crawl). It is now time for me, to take my rightful one charity post per 1,000 and suck some money from the btp community.
Donating to via my personal fund raising page will make you run goot. I donated to shamdonks thing like 2 months ago(hit me back bro) and since then I am running at:
6.17 ptbb/100 over 20k hands of 2/4 FR NL.
6.52 ptbb/100 over 20k hands of 1/2 FR NL.
Its really just unfair. If you want some of this sickness, donating->good karma -> running hot, is the way to go.
Here is my personal fundraising page.
Thanks, I actually do appreciate your helps in this matter.
and just fwiw I'm giving 1k.