by Juskimo » Tue Apr 22, 2008 9:48 pm
I think you seriously overestimate the quality of average high-school pitching.
Please describe the pitches, motion, velocity, etc. you expect an average high school pitcher to throw.
I think that anything beyond 70 mph fastball/60 mph changeup with average control is wildly optimistic.
I think that the BBAIP is going to be somewhere around .55-.65. .300 is the major league average. If you look at the BBAIP for the worst major league pitching, it is in the .400-.450 range (the reason being that good pitchers induce bad ground balls and high fly balls with movement and location). Average high school pitching having less of both, your line drive % will go way up.
[23:42] Mekos King: and lookin bck on it all
[23:42] Mekos King: I FEEL RICH JEWISH GUILT
<spank_her_pair> whats everyone up 2?
<stickdude> watching Pok's AA get stomped on by Jus's AK
<PocketSevens> For those who missed it there's proof that when you eat a lot of fish you turn into one