I think it is because most atheists (me included) find religious people scary. Let me try to explain how I feel. Please let no one take this as an attack on their faith or person. I respect peoples right to believe anything they want (but still find them weird
) as long as they don't force me to believe or do as they do.
Why I find (some) religious people scary:
1. They use the argument "God want us to do this" or "God don't like this" to justify their actions. I don't think you can find very many non-religious people outside KKK and the nazis who think it is ok to discriminate homosexuals. A large portion of religious people think homosexuality is a sin and that they go to hell when they die. This is scary.
2. They actively work against progress and scientific knowledge when it doesn't fit with their beliefs. We KNOW that the world is not 6000 years old. We KNOW that we evolved from apes. People tho wants us to not tell this to our kids because it goes against their religion are scary.
3. Historically, countries and societies based on religion have been (and are) extremely opressive. You can argue against man-made laws and take your case to court, hopefully get a fair trial. You cannot argue against a law made by god. Even if it seems as stupid as "though shall not eat pig" or "Cows are holy". Religious societies does not incurage discussion becourse the guiding laws cannot be quistioned.
What I am trying to say here is that the reason I find religion scary is that I am very sure that any religious group in power would create a society were I would not want to live (and would probably get burned as a heretic).
Discuss please