by black_knight6 » Sat Apr 05, 2008 12:54 pm
It's not even CLOSE to a 'canadian thing'. We don't talk like that or anything.
What's so funny is that all SP canadians (and apparently saddam hussein) talk that way...they end every sentence with "buddy" "guy" or "friend" (for the most part - when they're talking to someone). So, when CGW (or whatever it was called) guy talks to T+P and says "buddy" - they're pissed @ him so they say "I'm not your buddy" but, since they end their sentences in either buddy, guy, or friend...they end it in one OTHER than the "I'm not your X" if it's buddy, they switch it to guy or friend.
So, you get "I'm not your buddy, guy" or "I'm not your buddy, friend"
Well, doucher doesn't like T+P either, so he does it again...but since he already used "buddy" and they used "friend" he has to end with "guy"
So, he says "I'm not your friend, guy"
And, T+P only have one play left: "I'm not your guy, buddy"!!!