by johnnie_naked » Mon Apr 07, 2008 4:00 pm
Hey Im here to learn. Enlighten me. Sometimes I post from the point of view that I am right, but when people just tell me I am wrong without telling me WHY it kinda pisses me off. The reason I post definitively is because that is the way I feel at my current level of knowledge and experience. I am fully aware I am wrong >50% of the time at this point but I find it is the best way for me to learn if I post what I think and then people say well no...thats not quite right this is the way it is. Maybe I should go about posting in a different way or maybe you great ones should just post what you think instead of just laughing at us.
FOR THE RECORD: everyone who has posted in this thread is a better player than me, including bdon and (reluctantly) BK.
If we strongly believe we are beat we should fold, regardless of the situation or the pot odds. Amirite?
If not please explain.