Time for an update.
So my cold "coming on" came on and I was as sick as a dog for 4 days straight. Luckily I recovered by Christmas Eve and went and got drunk with my pals. Christmas day was good, usual dinner with my folks, and since Christmas Day I have more or less stayed at Siobhans house. She's not been well either so we pretty much stayed in. Had her brothers wedding on the 28th, was ok, nice greek restaraunt, was all over at 9.30 though, strange.
Poker wise I have only really played the last two days, a bunch of donkaments in which I couldn't catch a break and grinded some $50NL just now. Now I'm not one for posting a bunch of graphs but I have to share this one with y'all, just highlights the swongyness of it all.
Was a pretty sick session really, ran KK into AA, had a flopped set of Queens busted by a runner runner flush who flopped TPNK, someone ran their KK into my AA, I ran QQ into a 45/27 AA, AIPF. LOLSWONGAMENTS.
So tonight it's NYE, and I am going to a comedy club with about 8 of my mates, should be a good night.
My month has finished up goot, should of/could of been better though, all told, including live cash games, online $50NL and online donkaments, +$2700ish. Not bad for a part time retard like me.
I'll take this opportunity to wish anyone who reads my journal a very Happy New Year, and I hope 2008 is a blinder for you.
All those who don't read my journal, I hope you DIAGF and go broke.
I set myself no targets for 2008 pokerwise, as I'm not sure I even like poker right now. I like live but am starting to hate the lack of donks online poker seems to yield. Maybe I just can't find them.
As it stands, my online BR is $1367. I'd like to try and take a few more tournaments down, and have a $5k BR and play $1/2, as $50NL doesn't interest me very much.
I'll definately be playing more live cash games, as I believe that's where the real money is at. I don't think it's unreasonable to expect to make around $1200 a month, playing 3 or 4 sessions of $1/2 and $2/4.