by EscapePlan9 » Mon May 29, 2006 2:18 am
For a change... I played a bunch of MTT free-rolls. I forgot how horrible the players at free-rolls were. And I also played some micro-stakes SNGs to see if my game is still there.
I'm extremely confident with my SNG playing. I feel like I know what I'm doing in nearly every situation. Sure, I get unlucky sometimes, like pushing short-stacked and running into big hands, people making bad calls, or we're all-in pre-flop and I take a bad beat. But I still know I made the right play.
I feel like SNGs are mostly about playing better pre-flop than your opponents. You have to know when to change gears, when to push with any two, and so on.
NL cash has much deeper stacks and so you're faced with far more flop/turn/river decisions. I will admit - I am not an expert hand reader. Sure, I'm getting better at it, but for now, I'll stick with small stacks NL cash, and NL SNGs.
I feel like right now after this devasting week with NL cash, I have to stick with a game I'm comfortable in. So back to SNGs for a while. At least I'm very confident with my play there.