So I just got my teeth kicked in today, then something strange happened.
I made a bunch of fts and near fts, but for little return. 8th in a $40 razz (paid 5), 7th in a $20 stud h/l (paid 5), 10th in a $1 razz mtt (for like $4, first and second would have been decent), and 5th in a $11 5 table sng (for $55).
I lost $25 or so playing 2/4 razz.
I lost 110 or so playing 3/6 stud.
Then, mostly out of frustration, I jumped on a 5/10 table with $150. I lost a couple hands including one hand where I lost a $140 or so pot with split nines against split eights when he made eights up and I failed to improve.
This is where it gets odd. In past situations jumping up to 5/10, this is where I would have panicked. This time I did not. I regrouped, waited for a hand (which turned out to be split aces) and tripled up. I built the stack up a bit and waited for a good spot.
[00:39] Mekos King: MISSED TURN BET
I got up with $310. First semi-decent win at 5/10 I have had.
I realized that this is a pattern I have gone through when moving up. I started at 1/2, so when I first played 2/4, I had a couple rough hands, panicked and would force the issue with what I had left. After doing that a couple times, I would get used to the level, not panic, and proceed to play poker the way I am capable of and start running it up. I am very happy to finally have that session at 5/10.
[23:42] Mekos King: and lookin bck on it all
[23:42] Mekos King: I FEEL RICH JEWISH GUILT
<spank_her_pair> whats everyone up 2?
<stickdude> watching Pok's AA get stomped on by Jus's AK
<PocketSevens> For those who missed it there's proof that when you eat a lot of fish you turn into one