by Juskimo » Sun Dec 16, 2007 7:50 pm
Played a $10 razz and a $10 stud h/l mtt this afternoon (while chatting with ex, xas, and 12er).
Went cold in both around the same time, which was no good. Ended up bubbling the stud h/l ament and finishing 6th in the razzament, so not a horrible day, but if i had been able to catch/get a couple more hands to hold up, it could have been a big day.
[23:42] Mekos King: and lookin bck on it all
[23:42] Mekos King: I FEEL RICH JEWISH GUILT
<spank_her_pair> whats everyone up 2?
<stickdude> watching Pok's AA get stomped on by Jus's AK
<PocketSevens> For those who missed it there's proof that when you eat a lot of fish you turn into one