For your viewing chat with Pacific support as I try to figure out the tourney structure:
Satra A.: I can confirm that there was no published structure for the WPC, it is the same as any regular tournament
SetofBs: but according to your site level 2 is 15/30
SetofBs: I am playing level 2 right now and its 20/40
Satra A.: Bruce, you are referring to the stakes of the table
SetofBs: yes, the blind structure
Satra A.: one moment please
SetofBs: ty
Satra A.: are you playing in the WPC 3M guaranteed
SetofBs: yes
Satra A.: if you are, the blind structure will be different as you are playing to win 3 million dollars and other prizes
Satra A.: everything was posted on the website
Satra A.: to review you can click on this link:
Satra A.: you are no longer in level 2 as you are in the final
SetofBs: right...I'm talking about blind level 2
SetofBs: we just got off the 1st break and now we are at blind level 3 which is 30/60
SetofBs: but I still don't see the structure listed on that link you gave
SetofBs: I just want to know what the blinds are going to be going to over the rest of the tourney.
Satra A.: well Bruce
Satra A.: every half an hour the blinds are going to increase
SetofBs: I understnad that
SetofBs: but I want to know what each increase will be
SetofBs: if you don't know, that's fine, just tell me that
Satra A.: as far as I know Bruce it wil continue increasing until the we have the fnial 8 players
SetofBs: alrighty then
SetofBs: so the blinds will keep increasing every 30 minutes?
Satra A.: yes that is correct
SetofBs: ok, ty