Taking down the $1 6 max game for over 8PTBB/100 over last 15k hands. Plus decent bonuses as they have been at Beca, Dise, Interpoker and Ladbrokes.
Off work today (Monday) so sat down and tried out Ladbrokes (3 tabling 6 max $100). Wasn't expecting it to be that easy on a Monday in the day, but the players seemed as poor as ever and I ran up about $350 over 600 hands. Av. players/flop was about 50%.
Went $100 down at first to calling station donkeys, but it was clear that that was only going to be a temporary loan. Also picked up $75 worth of raked hands towards their $250 sign up bonus.
Also tried a $10 R&A and Ladbrokes last night and made FT. Only $70 profit though - was in 5th/8 left and raced AQs v 66 and lost (I was AQs).
Never mind - cash games is where it is at. Think I'm gonna give the donkaments a rest for a bit.