OK so pride comes before a fall - too little respect for my opponents, a few lucky donkies and one mega-tilt (-6xBI at $200) session lead to my roll at Prima dropping from $2500 at the end of December (up from $900 or so at the beginning) to a total of $306
I lost money every time I sat down at the table from 1st to 12th January.
Out of necessity I went back to shortstacking.
Over the past nine days, I have now run the roll at Prima back up to $1600 with 3k hands at $200 6 max. It is easy, I can play quick sessions without much any loss of edge (as you only spend an average of 15 mins at each table anyway) and it's very hard to lose enough to go on tilt.
I may concentrate on really perfecting shortstacking - run the roll up to $2k+ and then try the $400's...(assuming there are enough games going - Prima has 20-30 6 max $200's up in the evenings usually which is more than enough for a 1-2 hr short session).
Before I go back to full stacked play I'm gonna try a couple of hours of coaching from Godlike I think..
Oh new Skypecast with Roy and Twelver here: