Going only on what you're saying here, I'd have to say your lady's cousins don't know what they're doing. In the many NL games I've played out here, I've rarely ever, EVER, seen anyone push all in preflop. It just doesn't happen, even at $1/$2. If anything, they are too pussy to push. I raised in MP with TT and folded to a $35 reraise, as did the rest of the table, but called his $20 raise later with 77 knowing I'd bust him if I flopped the set. (Was it obvious he had AA? Yes.)
I see a lot of guys come out here thinking they know what they're doing. Some might be breakeven players on the Net with bonuses thrown in. They run into a couple of good players and they're no longer break even players. Live is a different game than the Net. There are real killers out here, and you have to look them in the eye, not type how they're homos in the chat box. The players we call ballcap boys--the ones with sunglasses and their hats turned backwards--aren't hard to play at all. The hard ones to play are Grandpa Simpsons, who never plays a hand except when you have a hand and his is always better than yours.