Can't help you with AC, but a bit on playing live in casinos.
You'll be nervous, and unsure. You'll be easily distracted. You probably are going to lose, at first. Those are the usual. It's a very different thing than playing online. (I'm getting to the point of really hating to play online, and Piers has agreed with me.)
However, it's great, playing live. Yes, Caro still applies, but not as much as people think. Yes, the players are pretty bad, for the most part. But, if you are there to enjoy the games, you'll have a lot more fun playing live poker. It's as much social as it is for the money. People are there to have fun. Sure, they'll make you nuts, esp at the low limits, but if you keep your head, have patience and discipline, and play a good game, you'll make a few dollars almost every time.
Live lives!
"Are the players better as the stakes go up? It's not an exam; it's a buyin." Barry Tanenbaum