Maybe things are changing a little for me. I drove up to Ocaenside, the plan was to play the 2/3 $200 max, I got there and they sent me to a game. I sat down and a couple of people have $1000+ in front of them. The game was really good, one total donkey pissing off chips and going broke back to back hands. Finally I realize that I'm at a 5/5 $500 max game. I had $1500 on me so I decided to play it.
First big hand I play. I have JJ flop a set on a KQJ board. I bet the flop, he leads into me on the turn, I raise, he folds. I now have A little under $700.
Than comes the painfull one. At this point table doofis has just cracked KK with J7 and has close to $1000 in front of him. He raises to $30, I look down at KK. I raise to $130. He makes it $250 total. I actually condered folding but decided if he has AA I'll pay him off. I push all in and he insta calls. He called so fast I really thought I was fucked. Turns out he has AQo. Door card on the flop is the A, river is the Q. No king, he wins a $1350 pot.
I decide its time for a break, I rebuy. Play my SB and go for a walk. Unfortunatly dumbass gets moved to the main game and he manages to dump off all $1500 he had before I could get to the main game.
I finally get moved to the main game in the seat doofis just busted out of. Still plenty of donaters in the game so not the end of the world. Finally a good hand, villian starts the hand with about $400. He raises to $30, I call with 66, flop is Q65 with 2 hearts. Checks to the raisor who bets $100. I raise to $250, he pushs with AA. I call. He has the
and the turn is a heart, thankfully he miss's the river and I win a big pot.
I get AA and raise to $40, get called by MP who is short stacked. Flop is J105, he has about $100- $!50 left, I bet out $60, he pushs I call he has KQ for OOSD. He miss's and I win a decent pot.
Final hand of the night. I am BB with A10d. Flop is 10
. BB bets $20, I raise to $60 she calls after making a comment asking if top pair was no good.. Turn is a offsuit J. She leads $75 i call. River is a K worst possible river card for me. Almost any 10 not has me beat. She bets $150, I fold and show my hand she shows k10o. Sweet 2 outter.
After being down $600 in my first hour I actually ended the session up $325, one decent flop and it could have been a really huge day but still nice to end up making money after the one really bad beat. I did finally have some cards. I had AA and KK 3 times each, plus I flopped 2 sets. 6 hrs + $325