I posted this topic in ATE's section and he suggested it was too in-depth a subject to be covered without paying for a lesson, which seems entirely reasonable. I post it here to see if anyone has any thoughts and hopefully spark a discussion. This topic is not exclusively linked to tournaments, but I post it here as they are what I play most. Much of this is applicable mostly to B and M casinos, although I think some of it is applicable online too.
What techniques do people use to induce a call from an opponent when you have a monster hand? I remember reading Mike Caro's suggestions about keeping your mouth shut when you want a fold, and making little comments indicating uncertainty when you want a call, and I think I use these to pretty good effect. For example, one of the things he suggests when you want a call is to chat a little, and introduce some doubt or hesitation about what you might have, which I have found very handy against those players who want to call 'because they just have to see.'
It is clearly very important to correctly evaluate the strength and intelligence of your opposition. For example, it is clearly wrong to feign the old shaky hand 'tell' (i.e. pretend you have a monster when you don't) if your opponent isn't clued up enough to A Spot it in the first place and B recognise what it 'means'.
So, of course, the only short answer is 'It depends', on the player, etc etc, but what other tools could be used, depending on the circumstances to this effect?
What other techniques would you use to induce a call when you suspect your opponent might fold and you have the nuts?