Common situation, but have ya really thought of what ya do here and why?
Dealt to Stuck4Lyfe [ Ks Kc ]
hushfbp293d raises [$20].
>You have options at First Kiss Table!.
aliva folds.
Stuck4Lyfe raises [$30].
clooch folds.
somethinlikeaplaya folds.
SEN997 folds.
hushfbp293d calls [$10].
** Dealing Flop ** [ 4d, 2c, 2s ]
hushfbp293d checks.
Stuck4Lyfe bets [$10].
hushfbp293d calls [$10].
** Dealing Turn ** [ Ad ]
hushfbp293d checks.
>You have options at First Kiss Table!.
Stuck4Lyfe ?
Assume no reads really, i just sat doown here and/or i havent been paying attention to this mizor because ive been multitabling...