by kennyg » Thu May 18, 2006 1:55 am
Thursday, May 18, 2006
Break time
Current mood: complacent
Another horrible showing the other night. I've decided to take some time off. I can't even blame my game on the cards. I've been in bad spots lately and can't hit anything... but I'm constantly making the wrong decisions.
I'm still beating the game for a rediculous winrate (in the long term) so that's good. I need a break I guess. I didn't play much last month, haven't really played much this month either, but I can't get my hands dirty with my emotions out of whack. It's a kind of mini-tilt that just always leads me to make the incorrect play.
Amazingly, I've wanted to put in the hours lately. I want to play more and reach an hourly goal for the month. It's going to be hard with all this time off. At this point though, I'm just going to lose if I sit at a table. - Streak: $-9413.48 L5 - I am on a 5 session losing streak for a total of $-9413.48 over 4 days.
Woohoo! Hopefully I'll be back to my normal, bad ass pokerself in a few days. I refuse to play like crap again.
"I'll take KennyGs advice before Sklanskys every time. "
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