by Zmej » Tue Jun 20, 2006 9:42 am
Tough spot as usual with AKo OOP 3way raised pot.
I was going to say first to call him and use your position, but...
hell, MINRAISE him, planning to fold or check the river behind, if he calls he is unlikely to lead river without a set (even 2 pairs would slow down suspecting a set), if he pushes you can fold easily. In fact you will represent a monster by raising and minraising on flop and river.
And most importanly it will cost you less than calling his bet on turn and river in case you are beat and you will make some money from weak aces.
"#3 pencils and quadrille pads."
- Seymoure Cray (1925-1996) when asked what CAD tools he used to design the Cray I supercomputer; he also recommended using the back side of the pages so that the grid lines were not so dominant.
"Interesting - I use a Mac to help me design the next Cray."
- Seymoure Cray (1925-1996) when he was told that Apple Inc. had recently bought a Cray supercomputer to help them design the next Mac.