If you like this forum and especialy if you have experience of other forums that have 'gone downhill', rest assured we are going to be aggressively policing this site.
We hope our members will help maintain the quality of this community by reporting abuse as and when it occurs, by clicking the red excamation mark at the top right of the post in question. It will then be dealt with by our moderation team.
A troll is a post which is designed by the poster specifically to arouse anger and/or negative sentiment with the use of blatantly contentious content or language. The poster is trying to create a 'flame war', and is not genuinely interested in a reasoned response.
A flamer is someone who abuses another poster by berating them, their beliefs, their understanding or opinions in aggressive terms. This type of post is unhelpful and does not foster a well-balanced community where people of all levels should be able to learn without fear of being disrespected.
A hijack is where a post on one subject is turned into a discussion of something completely unrelated. This can sometimes happen naturally, which is no problem, but deliberate hijackers will post complete irrelevances or content that will appeal to their 'following' (see 'Mafias'), or otherwise attempt to disrupt a legitimate 'on-topic' thread.
These are people who maintain multiple aliases on the site. Since there is no legitimate reason for having more than one username, the alter-ego will often be used to commit another type of abuse (hijack, troll, spam, etc.) or to post content purportedly from someone else.
Spam in this case includes any type of advertising not approved by the site administration, most notably bonus codes or referral links. Additionally, spam emcompasses all non-poker related posts not in the 'Anything Goes' forum.
A mafia is a clique, normally headed by one person, that causes trouble and whose members egg each other on to commit abuses. They can also 'gang up' on other members, causing factions to arise. Mafias will not be tolerated on this board.
Other Abuses
This includes anything outrageously sexist, homophobic or racially abusive. You get the idea. This is a poker site, not a platform for intolerance.
Topic Violation
The least serious infraction and not really abuse unless the member is a persistent offender, this is where say an SnG discussion is raised on the ring game forum. This is mostly harmless and done by mistake, but should be reported as soon as possible so that we may migrate the post to the proper category before the thread gets too big.
Lazy Hand Pasting
It's come to my attention that some sites' quality has been killed off by users cutting and pasting hands into new topics and just saying 'Please comment on my play'. This kind of post is unlikely to elicit a response, and it's much much better and more interesting for everybody if, when you post a hand, you include a specific question or questions.