I hafta tell this story.. don't normally like to brag on here, but this is too hilarious.
Me and villain are bigstacked in NL200. I'm playing it cos the 2/4 games are sucky at 3:30 AM. I cover, he has about 280 in front of him. Villain is very LA, but not the reraising type-- he likes to put in the first raise, or just call your raise. I've seen him make standard raises with big pocks as well as QTo from early, so I know he has a big range.
5 handed, one guy sitting out who just got busted.
I'm dealt T9s on the cutoff, with a PFR% of 5 over the last 150 hands (nice cold run huh). My VPIP is only 12%.. they know I'm tight. So naturally I throw in a 4x raise with my suited connector to steal, because they haven't seen that look before.
Naturally, the BB looks me up (btn and SB both fold, HU at the flop).
Flop comes rainbow QJ8. Yes, we are so happy, now we do the dance of joy.
I know this guy will play back if he hit the flop, so I near-pot it, $15. He min checkraises(30). I go to 80, and he instapushes, and naturally I call.
Villain turns over AQ.
Okay, that was pretty funny, but then he says "You stupid donk!"
--I damn near woke my wife laughing so hard. I don't normally tap the glass any more than I brag on here, but I was about to quit, so I wrote: "Yeah, I'm the donk." He immediately shot back "lol, I make my living off guys like you".