by Xaston » Thu Jul 20, 2006 2:08 am
Both opponents are ABC multi-tabling regular winners. One I know is a pro, the other I'm pretty sure is. P.S. I may need to work on my game selection, a TON of regulars on stars. We've all played over 1000 hands with each other. They are both much much more snug than myself (who isn't?)
No read on Villain here, only played with him for like 40 hands and I don't pay attention to how people play, too much work. Anyway, I'm just wondering if you guys think this bet has any value.
Bluffing makes me feel warm and tingly inside. This one just seems like there's two statements that can be made about the hand.
A) He can't have the A of clubs. He's gotta try to get some more in on the turn I think, and quite likely on the flop, if he has it. You're just not gonna win a big pot unless you start putting money in. I think the average player these days is sorta aware of it, at least in this game.
B) I have to have the ace of clubs. Nobody would bet that much on the river with anything but it. It's the most obvious "overbet to make it look like I'm trying to buy the pot Rounders OMG WTF" bet ever.
Boy, you got me confused with a man who repeats himself.