Villain in this hand has a bit over $300. I am sitting on about $1K as I have been on a huge run with a few sets, including a set over set for a double stack. (I know, not relevant, but it was fun nonetheless
So I am feeling pretty good about myself at this point and I decide to call villain's button raise of $8 with
[4s] in the SB. I am aware this is pretty loose and this is normally an insta-fold for me. Villian is about 28/11/4 over a limited # of hands. Not much of a read other than he's pretty aggressive so I figure I might have good implied odds if I hit something good.
Pot $18 Flop is 2-5-K rainbow.
I have been working on leading more, so I lead $10 into the raiser (should make this more like $14?). As soon as I do it I just have this feeling that he is going to pop me. He does. Villain raises to $35. Its $25 to me, I am getting 2.5-1 and my hand is insanely well disguised. I call. I figure if he has what he's representing (AA, KK or AK) I stack him most of the time if the A hits on the turn and possibly even if the 6 hits. On the turn, I plan to CRAI if I hit and check-fold if I miss. This assumes a substantial turn bet from villain.
Does anyone fold to the flop raise? Does anyone like my weakish lead (really its a blocking bet) or do you prefer the bigger lead? The reason I made this play is I hate the passive check-call and the check-raise is expensive and difficult/impossible to play when the turn misses or he 3-bets.
If you don't like my line, what is yours? (besides folding preflop)