by Zmej » Wed Aug 16, 2006 8:47 am
His style of play 65/55 is very close to optimal for HU (of course it is a loosing style for 6max) so it is clear that he has an advantage playing his natural style. I prefer to play HU with tight players (when table disentegrates) as they normally cant switch gears and become an easy prey.
"#3 pencils and quadrille pads."
- Seymoure Cray (1925-1996) when asked what CAD tools he used to design the Cray I supercomputer; he also recommended using the back side of the pages so that the grid lines were not so dominant.
"Interesting - I use a Mac to help me design the next Cray."
- Seymoure Cray (1925-1996) when he was told that Apple Inc. had recently bought a Cray supercomputer to help them design the next Mac.