I rather like the re-raise quantity, less from my own experience in making it like that (I also usually re-raise bigger) but from experiences against good LAGs who do it.
It's kind of a medium-small sized re-raise that keeps your opponent guessing what you have. I think more people should re-raise like that on AK, and it's REALLY nice if you're willing to re-raise something like TT-AA and AK.
I think it gives you a lot of flop flexibility.
I also think I need to make that re-raise more often (maybe even a hair less). A very good spot is when the raiser is to your immediate right. If the PF pot is already pretty sweet, I generally like to take it down right there. But if the raiser it to your right, you're often faced with taking down a minimal pot or just calling.
I do think if you re-raise smaller, it's a pretty good idea to expand your re-raise range (mine is pretty much AA and AK at the moment, as I'm still liking a flat call normally on KK, and AK is so easy to get away from if they push back).