200NL Full Tilt.
Villain is typical 45/10 guy. He starts with 143. He likes to lead into the pfr. In a diff hand he lead into me after I raised AK in LP. He led 1/3 pot, I reraised a raggedy board and he folded.
I decide to get frisky in the CO and raise K[h] 8[h] to 8. I'm playing very tight and want to loosen a bit. Villain calls in SB.
Flop ($16) K[s] 9[c] 7[c]. He lead $6. I decide to just call as I'm afraid he'll call me since I pushed him around last time (like 10 hands ago). Anyone agree?
Turn ($28). 5[h] He leads $12. I raise to $55 which leaves him only 78. He thinks and calls.
River. ($138). 6[c]. He leads $40 leaving him $37 left. I put him in.