I'm curious to hear what others have to say about this hand. These flops where you have a pocket pair (and in this case an overpair) with an open-end straight draw look really good but once Villain puts in the reraise I think the pair is no longer good and that you're drawing to 8 or maybe 10 outs. Which still isn't that bad.
The weak bet followed by a min reraise says "monster" to me so Villain probably isn't folding to your push. If you think he's on tilt then he could have anything, in which case I think the push is good because he may call with something really crappy.
I ran it through pokerstove. Giving him credit for decent hands: If he has
its a coin flip. If he has
then he is a 73% favorite. If he has
he is a 65% favorite. If he has
he is a 58% favorite.
So you're only a big dog to JJ and obviously JT.