basically villian is 28/22/5 and he raises in CO to 4bb..i have and i just decide to call since ive been getting played back a lot so i didnt wanna push this hand any further preflop
flop is
and villian bets 6.5 BB into 9.5 pot..
so i figure, he has a wide raising range preflop, its very likely that flop missed him so i reraise with possible FD and 2 overs to 15BB(again i raised lite because i didnt want to get too comited if he wants to CR
turn is giving me OESD but at same time its possible that vllian was betting his draw with JQ
he checks and i bet 20bb in 39 bb pot..
he calls
river is and i check..
how is my line?
should i bet 3-5bb more flop and 15bb more turn?