by Mendacious » Mon Nov 06, 2006 8:26 pm
Thx for all the commentary. This is the type of problem that I run into playing above my bankroll. The pure dollars of this decision clouds my judgment. Namely, because I had a hard time putting him on a hand that would call my flop bet and check/raise me on the turn, I felt there was an extremely good chance he either had a set (and possibly a better low redraw). I called because my hand was too strong to fold, but I wanted to see a river before throwing in that much money. So, I think a shove was probably best on the turn, but at that moment I didn't have the stones for it (happens sometimes). Also, lately I have had better results calling aggressive players rather than constantly trying to re-pop them and letting the cards fall.
As for the river. I am still conflicted. On the one hand, I am pretty sure I was going to call there, so betting IS proper, but on the other hand, I think the chances that my opponent has the wheel there when A2 completes the wheel is awfully high.
As for DAVE's remarks, the player in question also was on another $1k table with me that morning and had a $3k stack, and I had not seen him make any bad plays, so as I said I really did think I was up against a bigger set. I opted for the lower variance approach and obviously I left a large chunk of change on the table. I also don't think I improved my table image.