First of all, let me thank you, Excession, for some of the most valuable info I've got so far... THANK YOU!.
Your guide to date has been more valuable to me than the Poker Tracker Guide. I know you don't charge for it, but may I suggest that you at least post an account you play with at UB? I'd like to transfer a few big bets to your account for at least a brew or 2.... )
I've noticed that most of the discussion on PT is for NL play... does it make sense to start 2 separate thereads, 1 for NL and 1 for Limit?
I've been using the Autorate rules Excession first plublished in his PT guide, and ironically was just reviewing "The" Poker Guide, and found myself mocking them for not including preflop agression... After all, I'd finally just memorized all the symbols Excession has assigned in his autorating rules, and was playing preflop by looking at preflop agressiveness....
Then I came across this forum today and saw the new autorate rules Excession is testing... guess i have to give the Guide Guys a litle more credit! LOL...
My big current question is: How/Should NL autorate rules differ between NL and Limit?
thanks again E!