Hand 1 (400NL). Loose (46/32) villain raises to $16 UTG. Loose passive guy calls in the SB, I make a loose call in the BB with [5h]. Effective stacks $365
Flop $48 [2c][Ad]
Passive guy checks, I lead $28.I thought I'd rep the ace and villain is not likely to have one here. If he calls/raises I am done. I know the bet is small but should be enough to fold out the hands I want to since there are no draws unless someone has a really small SC. Anyway, villain calls, passive guy folds.
Turn $104 Ooohh...not done yet
I check, villain bets $100. I CRAI. Thoughts?
Hand 2 (300NL). I raise to 12 with [Qc] UTG. Villain (38/16) calls OTB. Effective stacks $265
Flop $28 [Tc][Qs]
I bet $15 (small since I don't mind giving a cheap card). Villain raises to $40. I reraise to $120 and plan to call a push. Standard?