I've been running pretty horrible lately and pretty much expect the worse whenever my opponent actually still has 2 cards. I've been trying to force myself to still play well, but on this particular hand I had a read, a pretty easy one, followed it, but then the flop camne horrible for my Aces.
I've NEVER tried this before because I'm usually so afraid of letting them see the flop. However here I opened in MP1 w/
[Ac] for $2. MP2 (21/8/13 - 130 hands) re-raises to $7.
Usually I'll just push this hand. I was pretty sure he had Kings and would have called the push anyway, but just in case he has something less and could fold, I figured I would just call and let him hang himself on the flop and then check-raise.
[Kd][2d] Pot $14.75
Well EFF me again. Really are monsters under my bed I guess. So now what? Lead out and fold to a raise? Check/call? Check/fold even? Or am I just paranoid and I should still c/r all-in?